Ag-West Bio Invests in Saskatchewan Startup Turning Waste into Bioproducts

Ag-West Bio recently invested $300,000 in NULIFE GreenTech, a Saskatoon startup using patented HydroThermal Liquefaction (HTL) technology to turn agricultural residues, food manufacturing waste, and sewage sludge into sustainable biocrude oil. Current waste disposal methods are costly and inefficient, with increasing restrictions due to landfill and land-spreading bans. NULIFE’s process also addresses the growing concern around PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” removing 95% of these harmful substances.

NULIFE was selected by Frontier, an initiative backed by companies like Stripe, Alphabet, and Shopify, as part of its 2024 prepurchase cycle to accelerate carbon removal technologies. This support will help NULIFE scale its operations to meet demand, with plans for a full commercial plant by late 2024/2025.

Ag-West Bio’s funding will help expand NULIFE’s pilot plant and position it for large-scale waste processing, benefiting industries like food manufacturing and wastewater treatment. Co-founder Jerry Kristian emphasized the importance of this support in addressing both waste disposal and carbon removal.

Kyle Adams, Ag-West Bio’s Director of Investment and Commercialization, praised NULIFE’s co-founders, Brock Eidem and Jerry Kristian, for their perseverance and expertise, confident that the company will be a success in Saskatchewan.

About Ag-West Bio

Ag-West Bio is Saskatchewan’s agricultural bioscience industry association. The company works as a catalyst for industry growth in the bioeconomy through direct investments, aiding strategic alliances, hosting educational and networking events, business planning support, and communications. Funding for Ag-West Bio is provided by the Government of Canada and Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.

Since 1989, Ag-West Bio has been investing in innovative Saskatchewan companies through its Technology Commercialization Fund. This self-replenishing fund targets early-stage companies that are commercializing bioscience technologies with potential to yield tangible benefits for the province’s agriculture industry. Ag-West Bio investments are patient, non-predatory and flexible.

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