Introducing our newest WEF Lighthouse plant
What does it take to be one of the World Economic Forum’s( WEF) most digitally advanced Lighthouse manufactories?
The WEF Global Lighthouse Network recognises manufactories that incorporate Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies( 4IR) similar as artificial intelligence and big data analysis to maximise effectiveness and drive sustainable growth, while upskilling their pool and guarding the terrain.
For the platoon at our Sonepat Nutrition point, this means using technology, cooperation and hookups to power growth and productivity.
“ We’re erecting manufactories of the future by integrating advanced digital technologies across our end- to- end operations, while sustainably reducing our environmental footmark, ” explains Reginaldo Ecclissato, Unilever Chief Business Operations and Supply Chain Officer.
“ We do so not just to meet adding consumer demand and drive superior business growth but also to upskill and equip our brigades for the future of work. ”
Building our manufactories of the unborn
As Unilever’s largest manufacturing point for Horlicks, Sonepat’s 4IR trip began in 2020 when it was brought into Unilever’s manufacturing family.
Fast forward a many times, and the results speak for themselves. Service situations 1 have bettered by 18. plant conversion costs 2 have reduced by 40.
Real- time monitoring and perfection control have also reduced food waste by 30 and soothsaying delicacy has seen significant enhancement.
Results that reflect ambitious growth intentions
More yet, 4IR technology is catalysing progress in achieving Unilever’s ambitious plans for growth, including
Superior product quality An 86 reduction in product blights has been achieved in part through the perpetration of ‘ lights out ’ manufacturing. This is a process where product operations are automated and managed with minimum mortal intervention, thanks to advanced real- time data capturing and decision- timber.
effectiveness optimisation plant process efficacity has been assured by the preface of multiple digital halves( a virtual replica of the system it’s modelled after) that can cover, assay and eventually suggest optimised functional parameters that can also be delivered to the live system with no interruption to operations.
force dexterity The plant’s planning delicacy has been boosted by cognitive decision- making technology which ensures that product, distribution and procurement signals are optimised to match request requirements. So far, this unique operation is serving different geographic regions across India.
Environmental sustainability Sustainably sourced biofuels, combined with the preface of a boiler digital twin that optimises the efficacity of the real- world boiler including its energy use, have successfully reduced the plant’s compass 1 hothouse gas emigrations by 88, while also furnishing original growers with a profitable use for their agrarian waste.( compass 1 emigrations are those produced directly by Unilever from sources we control or enjoy.)
How we ’re upskilling our brigades as well as our technology
This recognition( as a WEF Lighthouse plant) couldn’t have gone to a further meritorious platoon, ” says Jennifer Han, Unilever Chief Product Supply Chain Officer for Nutrition.
“ Since starting their digitalisation trip three times agone
, they’ve seamlessly upscaled advanced technology in their operations to come one of the leading manufactories of the future in our Nutrition business. ”
Abhishek Jain, Factory Director at Sonepat, agrees, adding that upgrades of this scale can only really work if they go hand in hand with inversely robust platoon training.
At Sonepat, for illustration, 100 of the platoon successfully completed an expansive upskilling programme.
“ 70 of the literacy at our plant happed on the job, 20 through mentoring and coaching and 10 in the classroom, ” he says, adding that this included safety concentrated modules using artificial intelligence and stoked viFor Yogesh Mishra, Executive Director, Supply Chain HUL & Head of Supply Chain, South Asia, still, there’s one further crucial element to Sonepat’s digital success story, and in particular to the speed at which it was developed.
“ Strategic collaboration with technology providers was critical in icing that tech fits the conditions of the plant, ” he says.
“ By creating outfits that included Unilever associates, structure suppliers and mates, we were suitable to insure a briskly roll- eschewal of digital inventions. ”
Coming way
To be named a WEF Lighthouse Factory is one of the loftiest accolades in the field of advanced manufacturing, and for Yogesh this recognition confirms the need to continue to integrate 4IR technologies into our end- to- end value chain.
“ Digital metamorphosis will continue to be an integral precedence across our end- to- end manufacturing operations in Hindustan Unilever and across South Asia, ” says. “ To drive harmonious, competitive, profitable and responsible growth, we must borrow advanced technology in our operations at scale. ” rtual reality HoloLens technology.
Source Link:https://www.hul.co.in/news/