Eighth Annual Stop Food Waste Day Compass Takes Action

Compass Group and its global subsidiaries are observing the eighth annual Stop Food Waste Day today, joining the international movement against food waste. Initiated by Compass Group in 2017, this day serves as a platform to advocate for the reduction of food waste, highlighting its environmental and social implications.

Food waste is a pressing global issue with far-reaching consequences, including environmental degradation and economic inefficiency. Shockingly, approximately 33% of all food produced worldwide is lost or wasted annually, amounting to a staggering $1.2 trillion worth of food. Fruits and vegetables alone contribute significantly, with nearly half of the global production going to waste, equivalent to about 3.7 trillion apples. The impact of food waste on greenhouse gas emissions is substantial, ranking it as the third-largest emitter if treated as a country. Addressing this issue is not only ethically imperative but also crucial for global food security, as saving just 25% of wasted food could provide sustenance for 870 million hungry people.

For eight consecutive years, Compass Group has spearheaded the Stop Food Waste Day initiative, striving to educate and inspire individuals throughout its value chain to minimize waste and maximize reuse. Through various initiatives such as consumer education, menu planning, and the implementation of food waste management technologies, Compass leverages its scale and influence to drive positive change.

Compass’s approach to combating food waste focuses on prevention, recovery, and recycling. When waste is unavoidable, efforts turn to redistribution and recycling, ensuring that surplus food reaches those in need. Collaborating with food recovery partners like local community food banks and meal programs, Compass donated a total of 1.6 million meals to communities worldwide in 2023.

To commemorate Stop Food Waste Day 2024, Compass and its global teams are organizing events across approximately 35 countries, involving clients, colleagues, suppliers, and charity partners to inspire action. Some notable initiatives include Compass Group USA’s support for Food Tank’s Waste Warrior Awards in New York City, Compass Group Sweden’s development of the AI solution “Unwaste Yourself,” and the production of a digital cookbook featuring recipes that repurpose commonly wasted ingredients.

Shelley Roberts, Group Chief Commercial Officer at Compass Group PLC, emphasized the company’s commitment to combating food waste and praised the integral role of chefs in driving transformative change. By collaborating closely with procurement teams and implementing innovative supply chain solutions, Compass chefs are instrumental in delivering sustainable outcomes for clients.

Petros Parras, Group Chief Financial Officer at Compass Group PLC, highlighted the financial benefits of waste reduction, noting its positive impact on operational efficiency and cost mitigation. With a target to adopt food waste technology in 6,000 locations worldwide, Compass exceeded expectations by implementing technology in 7,943 of its largest locations in 2023. Parras emphasized the company’s ambitious goal of achieving a 50% reduction in food waste by 2030, linking it to the remuneration of executive directors and senior management.

In summary, Compass Group’s unwavering commitment to addressing food waste underscores its leadership in sustainability and corporate responsibility, demonstrating how businesses can drive positive change on a global scale.

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