Ensuring a Secure and Reliable Platform Our Pledge

Ensuring Safety and Trust on DoorDash

At DoorDash, our priority is to guarantee a secure and reliable experience for every user – consumers, Dashers, and merchants alike. Over the past decade, we’ve nurtured a community built on trust, and we take our responsibility to maintain a safe platform with utmost seriousness.

To safeguard against any misuse of our platform and to authenticate Dashers’ identities, we’ve implemented a comprehensive, multi-layered verification and safety screening process.

Before gaining access to the platform, every potential Dasher must undergo identity verification using a valid government-issued ID. Furthermore, they must pass a thorough background check conducted by an accredited provider, utilizing their Social Security Number. This screening includes scrutiny of their criminal history and, if applicable, their motor vehicle record for those using a vehicle for deliveries. As part of our ongoing safety measures, we routinely re-run background checks for thousands of Dashers every week. Individuals unable to pass these checks or verify their identity are not permitted to dash. Since 2014, we’ve completed over 25 million background checks in the United States alone.

As an additional layer of security, Dashers are periodically required to re-verify their identity by submitting a real-time selfie, which is then compared to their previously provided government ID photo. Each week, over 100,000 Dashers undergo this re-verification process, deterring account sharing and unauthorized access.

It’s important to emphasize that on the DoorDash platform, there is zero tolerance for those unwilling or unable to verify their identity. Every Dasher must possess a verified account of their own.

We treat all safety concerns, including those related to identity, with the utmost gravity, and we continuously strive to ensure that all Dashers adhere to our guidelines. Should a consumer or merchant suspect that a Dasher isn’t who they claim to be, we encourage them to contact support immediately for assistance. While no system is flawless, we are committed to strengthening our safeguards and exploring innovative methods to enhance the safety of the DoorDash community.

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