Nescafé Launches Premium Espresso Concentrate in Response to Cold Coffee Trend

In 2023, a remarkable 32% of coffee consumed outside of the home was enjoyed cold, reflecting a significant shift in consumer preferences with one out of every three cups being cold. This surge underscores the rapid growth of the cold coffee segment within the industry, which has seen a remarkable 15% increase in consumption over the past four years. Particularly noteworthy is the enthusiastic embrace of this trend by younger generations, driving the demand for cold coffee. The proliferation of specialty coffee shops and cafes offering diverse cold coffee options has further fueled its popularity, making it more accessible and appealing to consumers.

Responding to this burgeoning trend, Nescafé is introducing its latest innovation, the Nescafé Espresso Concentrate. Crafted to replicate the out-of-home cold coffee experience, this premium liquid coffee concentrate brings the sophistication of barista-style iced coffees directly into consumers’ homes. Here’s what sets it apart:

Customization: With Nescafé Espresso Concentrate, consumers have the freedom to tailor their cold coffee experience. Whether it’s adding a small shot to milk for a creamy iced Latte, mixing it with water for a robust Americano, or even incorporating it into a refreshing blend with lemonade or juice, the options are endless.

Quality Coffee: Nescafé Espresso Concentrate boasts a blend of carefully selected coffee varieties, expertly roasted and brewed to deliver a rich and bold flavor profile that rivals any coffeehouse offering.

Ease of Use: No need for special equipment or barista skills; preparing a delicious cold coffee with Nescafé Espresso Concentrate is as simple as pouring and mixing.

Philipp Navratil, Head of Nestlé’s Coffee Strategic Business Unit, emphasizes, “Young coffee consumers are increasingly gravitating towards cold coffee. With Nescafé Espresso Concentrate, our aim is to capture the growing trend of out-of-home cold coffee consumption and bring it into homes, offering a premium-quality cold coffee experience that is convenient, simple, and customizable.”

Damien Tissot, Head of Nestlé R&D for Coffee, elaborates, “At Nestlé, we have harnessed our cutting-edge coffee roasting and brewing technologies across various formats, from roast and ground to soluble, ready-to-drink, and portioned coffee. With Nescafé Espresso Concentrate, we are leveraging our expertise to create delectable and convenient cold coffee experiences for consumers to enjoy at home.”

Available in two enticing flavors, Sweet Vanilla for those seeking a flavorful twist to their coffee ritual, and Espresso Black for aficionados craving a bold and intense brew, Nescafé Espresso Concentrate is making its debut this month. Initially launching in selected retailers in Australia in bottle format and on e-commerce platforms in China as a single-serve pod, it is poised to expand to markets worldwide in the coming years, catering to the ever-growing demand for premium cold coffee experiences.

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