PhosAgro Backs R&D Center at Russian Academy of Sciences Kola Research Center

A Research and Development (R&D) center dedicated to advancing the processing of apatite-nepheline ores has been established at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Kola Research Centre, with generous support from PhosAgro.

This initiative stems from a collaborative effort initiated in 2020 between the Kola Research Centre and PhosAgro, further solidified by a trilateral agreement signed in June 2023 involving Russia’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The center aims to enhance the extraction of commercially viable components from ores with diverse mineral compositions, while maintaining consistently high quality in phosphate rock.

Operating under its own scientific and applied research framework, the center will collaborate with specialized higher education institutions, research, and industry institutes to tackle multifaceted challenges related to ore enrichment. Its endeavors include mineralogical studies, developing optimal ore preparation practices, surveying ore reserves, and pioneering new technologies utilizing efficient and eco-friendly flotation reagents.

The inauguration of the research center was attended by esteemed figures including Gennady Krasnikov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Elena Diaghileva, Deputy Governor of the Murmansk region; Sergey Krivovichev, Director of the Kola Research Centre; Mikhail Rybnikov, CEO of PhosAgro; and Andrey Abrashitov, Director of the Kirovsk branch of Apatit, a division of PhosAgro Group.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. Krasnikov emphasized the vital nexus between industry, leading enterprises, and academia, underlining the pivotal role of the new R&D center in fostering such collaboration.

Deputy Governor Diaghileva lauded the establishment of the center, highlighting its significance in promoting regional industry-academia synergy. She disclosed PhosAgro’s substantial investment of approximately RUB 500 million in building and equipping the center, underlining its commitment to advancing scientific research in the field.

Mr. Rybnikov, PhosAgro’s CEO, expressed confidence in the center’s ability to uphold product quality and contribute to Russia’s food security by leveraging cutting-edge research methodologies. Plans are underway for rigorous analysis of process samples and mineral compositions to provide invaluable scientific support to industrial processes.

Post-inauguration, participants toured various facilities including the Kola Research Centre’s Museum and Exhibition Centre, the Kirovsky mine at the Kirovsk branch of Apatit, and the N. A. Avrorin Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden Institute. Additionally, discussions were held on further developing the Kola Scientific Centre, underscoring the commitment to ongoing scientific advancement in the region.

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