Insights on Business Success Wisdom Shared by Black Franchisees at McDonald’s

Insights from Successful Black McDonald’s Franchisees: 10 Valuable Pieces of Business Advice

When contemplating a global giant like McDonald’s, one might overlook the fact that local franchises are often owned and operated by entrepreneurs within their communities. In fact, a staggering 95% of McDonald’s restaurants are locally owned, with individuals like Julio Morgan Gillis from New Jersey and Andre Hill from Ohio serving as prime examples. Both second-generation Franchisees and accomplished Black business owners, Gillis and Hill take pride in contributing to their communities through their McDonald’s establishments. Their journey to success has been supported by the National Black McDonald’s Operators Association (NBMOA), the world’s largest organization of established Black entrepreneurs.

In order to shed light on the path to success as a business owner and McDonald’s Franchisee, we turned to Gillis and Hill for personal advice that has propelled their careers.

Whether it involves cultivating the right mindset or leveraging available resources, here are the 10 pieces of advice they offer to aspiring entrepreneurs and future Franchisees:

  1. Tap into Community Resources: Utilize organizations like NBMOA to advocate for both Black Owners/Operators and employees, ensuring that everyone receives the necessary support.
  2. Leverage Diverse Work Experiences: Draw upon diverse work backgrounds, as various experiences, even seemingly unrelated ones, can contribute to success as a McDonald’s Owner/Operator.
  3. Embrace Commitment: Acknowledge the hands-on nature of the business, understanding that commitment is required to fill any role and build a successful venture.
  4. Represent and Inspire: Take pride in being a representation of success, inspiring others who may question their ability to achieve similar goals.
  5. Define Your Business: Clarify your business vision by asking essential questions regarding customer treatment, expectations, ordering processes, legal structure, and overall aspirations.
  6. Seek Additional Experiences: Explore shadowing opportunities, connect with restaurant owners, and gain insights into the day-to-day responsibilities to better understand the role.
  7. Maintain a Learning Mentality: Embrace a continuous learning mindset to excel as an entrepreneur, recognizing that ongoing education is essential for success.
  8. Overcome Size Concerns: Despite the overwhelming size of McDonald’s, recognize that the company is willing to work directly with applicants who possess the skills and drive they seek.
  9. Key Success Factors: Prioritize learning, people skills development, and hard work as essential elements for becoming a successful franchisee and entrepreneur.
  10. Gain Confidence through Exposure: Learn from those around you, seek inspiration from successful individuals, and maintain confidence in your abilities regardless of your position in the journey.

These pieces of advice reflect the wisdom and experiences of accomplished McDonald’s Franchisees, providing valuable insights for anyone aspiring to thrive in the business world.

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